UNISON will be balloting members for industrial action over the threat to your pension.
If you’re eligible for the local government pension scheme, NHS pension scheme or civil service pension scheme.
Next month you will receive a ballot paper. UNISON is urging members to vote ‘yes’ to industrial action.
What you can do now:
- Read the email announcement about the ballot by UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis: Vote yes for industrial action on pensions
- We need everyone to get involved in the campaign to protect our pensions – whatever time you have, whether it’s five minutes, half an hour or more.
- Talk to your colleagues and get them to join UNISON to strengthen our voice.
Queries about the pensions dispute: pensionsdispute@unison.co.uk
Protect our pensions
Public sector pensions are again making headlines as politicians plan to make us work until we drop.The proposals mean that we will pay more, work longer and get less while bankers continue to rake in millions in bonuses.And the money that gets taken from you won’t go towards improving your pension schemes, but is being used to pay off the deficit caused by bailing out the banks.UNISON is leading the campaign to protect our pensions because we don’t believe public service workers should be forced to pay what is in reality an extra tax. We think everyone deserves a decent pension.
Find out more about the threats facing our pensions here
Wigan Unison News