During the relocation period, please telephone the branch office on
01942 235797 or 01942 828165 and ask for Debbie or Maria for access to the building.
Commenting on the Queen’s Speech, UNISON North West Regional Secretary Kevan Nelson said:
“Fewer than two out of five voters supported the Conservatives on May 7th, and this Queen’s Speech does not match the priorities or wishes of people in the North West.
“For many UNISON members in the region, the attraction of devolution of power from Westminster is that it offers some potential to protect us from the endless cuts that Conservative governments inflict upon us.
“UNISON is engaging with the Devo Manc proposals in Greater Manchester and calling for a commitment to more funding, greater democratic-accountability and a favouring of public sector organisations as the best providers of public services.
“UNISON also wants a consideration of alternative governance arrangements that cover the North West. It’s not enough just to have a directly-elected mayor in Greater Manchester. We need a devolution of funding and powers to people in every city, town and county.”
UNISON North West’s position statement on Devo Manc is available here: Devo Manc Position Statement – 19 May 15
Our UNISON branch has contributed to the hire cost of a coach to London on Saturday 20th June to join the Anti-Austerity National Demonstration organised by the People’s Assembly. Alongside other local trade unionists, this is our opportunity to send the clear and simple message to the government that we demand an alternative to austerity and to policies that only benefit those at the top. The services we have left are at breaking point. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
To book your seat ring UNISON now 07494175202 or 01942 235797
Or email ‘retiredmembers@wiganunison.org.uk’.
Please give your name, workplace and a contact telephone number so your seat can be confirmed.
Transport is free for UNISON members and you need to book by 12th June.
Transport information
Assemble at 7am Parson’s Walk opposite Wigan and Leigh College. We should be back in Wigan by 10pm at the very latest. If there is demand, the coach will also pick up in Leigh.
If you’re struggling with the rising cost of living, and worried about how you’ll be able to cope with back-to-school costs, UNISON might be able to help.
‘There for you‘ are once again launching the School Uniform Grant programme for 2015.
Links to the application form and poster are available below, which you can download and print at home.
The criteria for eligibility is within the application form. Please note the closing date for receipt of applications is 10th July 2015.