The coalition government’s ideologically driven attack on public services and the welfare state is already ripping up the fabric of our society. And it’s going to get worse.
For Wigan Local Government workers doing their upmost to deliver essential services every day is a struggle. That’s why UNISON is challenging the cuts in local authorities and central government on a daily basis.
And while our voice is strong it can become stronger. If you are not a member then your voice is needed too. The more members we have, the more influence we have in defending jobs, pay and conditions; and in defending the services which we all depend upon as members of society.
Don’t let the government hurt the vulnerable by handing services over to the private sector to deliver on the cheap.
Join UNISON from just £1.30 a month and help protect all our futures.
Yours sincerely
Tracy Roberts
UNISON Wigan Metropolitan Branch Secretary